Overall, Splinter Cell: Double Agent is just a revamped, slightly improved version of Chaos Theory
User Rating: 8.3 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent PS2
The single player game of Double Agent starts you off on the trail of a weapon called red mercury which the only way to follow is from the inside. So, you go undercover as a convict and work your way into the JBA. Basically you complete missions just as in Chaos theory but the element of decision effects the way the story plays out. For example you might have to help your friend escape and risk blowing your cover or you can kill him and seem loyal to the JBA. The Co-op portion is re-done with better graphics but with just as little action as in Chaos theory. The online is completely new, with 4 splinter cells in a game at once, no mercs. Basically you cna shoot your enemy or get close and enter a mini game where whoever presses a button first gets the kill. This can get annoying when you successfully sneak up on a person just to lose the game and your kill. The online has also completely lost its sense of stealth, which is big. The maps are usually well lit and built for acrobatic moves and firefights. In the end, Splinter Cell fans will not be very pleased with this game, but newcomers may very well enjoy it.