Great twist and solid single player gameplay but my question is what happened to the multiplayer?

User Rating: 7.5 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Nijuu Spy X360
So Sam Fisher is back for another installment into the Splinter Cell franchise. Is it the best? Personally I would say no, but that does not mean it is a bad game.

The game play is the same as you would expect besides the new "double agent" feature. Basically the double agent means that you are working undercover for the terrorists (JBA). So you will be doing tasks for them and for the NSA (the good guys). So you have a trust meter and if you do to much "bad" it will slide to the JBA side and vice versa. I don't really understand how the NSA cannot trust you though, I mean like they assigned you to the task so they know what you are up too so why do they have to be suspicious to your actions? That part I didn't understand. Besides that the game play is the same solid Splinter Cell you would come to expect.

The graphics are nothing amazing. On my HD Samsung T.V it seems to have a watery, blurry look to it (other games look fine on my T.V). So nothing special. Average 360 graphics.

So we have a pretty solid single player but is there good multiplayer? No. I do not know what they were thinking with the multiplayer. I absoluty loved pandora tommorow and chaos theory's multiplayer so much. I would play those hours on end non stop. But now the multiplayer is extremley different!
Now the spies are on steroids they move so fast there a blur. They have these remote hacking devices used to hack the objectives which I think is
not that bad of a feature but i still prefer the classic way. The spys also look like pathetic (along with the mercenaries). The spys are now limited to only snapping necks and jumping on mercenaries, they dont have a gun, they can only have one gadget and this all really simplifies the multiplayer. The mercenaries look like complete morons and now dont have traps, only frags and drones. Drones are basically cheap ass robots that go around blowing up spys. The maps are also very poor and most people are only on one map. Sure the levels are bigger, but in this case bigger is bad. I can't see anyone who has played pandora tommorow and chaos theory liking this multiplayer better.

So in the end I give it a 7.5, overall a good splinter cell game nothing really new though, flaws in the "double agent" part and horrid multiplayer. I really don't get the multiplayer, If it ain't broke don't fix it. Anyways this is my review of Splinter Cell: Double Agent