Splinter Cell Double Agent is a good stealth game but at this point in the series it seems bland
-The Game play-
•The game play in this splinter cell is what you should expect by this time in the series stealth action that will have you hitting the reload button more times than the action button. You must move around the shadows through most of your missions. If you take this like a shooter game then you'll get turned into piece of Swiss cheese before you can accomplish your first T-bag. You have a number of gadgets at your disposal my personal favorite was the sticky camera. Most of them are pointless and useless and the chances you'll use anything but your pistol, knife, and night vision goggles are slim to none. The gadgets are there mainly for show like that sick slowly dying mule at the petting zoo. It's there but why would you want to use it?
•Other than using your gadgets and gun Sam can dispose of his usually foreign terrorist enemies by performing stealth kills with a knife. These are the most fun you'll have killing an enemy. The sheer awesomeness of the moves will have you relying on your knife more than anything. No matter how many times I played through a level the knife kills kept me happy
•The game also uses this trust system for your "moral choices" and it's pretty affective it makes you want to keep as many people as possible happy (see story for more)
•In between missions you go back to the JDA's headquarters where you do stuff for the NSA the company you work for. These missions are boring and useless they could of explained what happened through a cut scene and it would save everyone a bunch of time. In these missions you have to go to restricted areas and not get detected. It seems that no matter how many times you get caught they don't care. They send you on your way back to the non-restricted area. But what i want to know is how the hell did Joe the plumber get to go in there and me the person doing all the dirty work for the JDA not?! In short they would have been better if you could kill someone with your knife.
•The computer intelligence can go from the intelligence of a child with ADD to a below average adult who probably dropped out of high school, to an insane super human freak that can spot you in a dark corner in the next room behind a wall with a box over you. They have x-ray vision and hearing and it you even think about blinking within 10 feet of then they will have found you and shot....dead. But that is if you play on veteran. All in all I think they are pretty good for an early 360 game.
-The Story-
•Most games now-a-days have these "moral choices" you have to make. Most of them are there and you choose and nothing really happens like in GTAIV half of those choices are just there they don't do anything. This game actually pulls it off and it's damn good at it to. Every time time they make you choose something happens in effect to it. Someone dies or maybe they don't, and the ending changes accordingly. I for one have never seen the most bastard ending where you side completely with the bad guys ending but i am sure it's a good one.
•The voice acting for everyone but lambart, and fisher are laughable ESPECIALLY the leader of the JDA he has this HORRIBLE new jersey accent that makes he sound like he missed the day in kindergarten where they learned how to pronounce letters it's hard to take him seriously as a character when he keeps saying "good woik feesha" most of the other cast sounds like they pulled people off the street and said "hey you want to be in a video game?" The main story progresses at a snail's pace then at the last few missions they threw the snail towards the end to hurry it up.
-The Multi player-
(In short.....it's a joke)
•You can either be a Spy or a Mercenary The spy has speed and hacking technology and one gadget that is it and you have to hack these terminals and get it back to your base before your run out of lives or time runs out. It seems that the whole game is against spies because it is a lose/lose situation for them.
•The mercenaries have guns, grenades, a tackle move, and mobile bomb a rigged as it seems for them you might think it would be best for them right? NO! You have sneaky bastards running all over the place stealing Sh*t and you can't catch them. The mercenaries get there pretty quick so the spy's won't have the file so it's an endless game of running around!
•Along with the atrocious one type game mode you have this beeping system instead of radar which will piss you off when you hear a beeping noise and you know that they are but you can't see them!
-The Final Thoughts-
•Splinter Cell Double agent is a good single-player that you have come to expect. The story although slowed pace will have you interested till the end. The game play is good in some areas. The multi player is not worth your time even if you want every last achievement.