Double agent may not be as smooth as the 360 version but still delivers classic stealth fun - 7.5

User Rating: 7.5 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent PS3
Double Agent is Splinter Cells debut on the PS3. It is based around Tom Fisher becoming a double agent and working on both sides which feature many enjoyable missions. The gameplay in Double Agent is very good and at times you feel that your really in the action. Missions are demanding but fun and you could say other than the dodgy deaths. Sadly the visuals don't quite tell the same tale. Splinter Cell on PS3 is a port and it shows as alot of the visuals are poor. Sometimes visuals aren't too bad but normally there isn't much good about them but there is one occasion where the game looks picturesque (on the cruise ship). Other than that, the story is good and the puzzles can be tough, yet fun. Overall Double Agent is a good game and is definitely worth playing, even if it is a port - 7.5

+ Stealth at its best
+ Challenging puzzles
+ Fun missions
- 360 port
- Less than excellent visuals