Rubbish from Ubisoft.
I bought it because it was on special at my local games store. I had heard of the many bugs that plagued this game, but I thought I could bear with them and complete the game. Also, the patch had come out for a while now, so I thought it would all good. I installed the game, and started playing it, when I noticed there was something wrong with the graphics. It would be very laggy when I would play. For example, it would be in slow motion for two seconds and then play at normal speeds for the next second, and so it would continue on and on. I played up to the level where I was in the JSA base, and couldn't take it anymore; I just quit because I was so frustrated at what was being offered.
Then you have the issues with the game saves being deleted near the end of the game. I didn't reach that level, but I noticed that my save games were in this strange order. For example, my latest save would be in the middle of the list of saves, which I thought was weird. While I was playing, I would load up a save game, but it wouldn't load at all. It would take me to the, "You are about to load a game..." window and keep asking me the same question.
Don't get me wrong; I love the Splinter Cell series and have been a fan of it from day one. This game really had nothing new to offer, apart from the stealth factor, but that's what I love about this game: the stealth factor. Unfortunately, it's potential has been ripped away thanks to the many bugs in this game. I have heard that Ubisoft have given up support on this game because it's THAT buggy. Ubisoft is going to release another Splinter Cell chapter called "Conviction". If that is another failure, like Double Agent, I'm afraid I'm going to have to give up the Splinter Cell series for good.