worst in the series
For the looks, The graphics are an OK PSP Quality, But on the bad side its an average Xbox title( kinda like the first Splinter cell). But it is a PSP game but they can do better like syphon filter: dark mirror better. And the game is not really that dark and their really is no need for Night vision. And when ur in night vision its hard to distingish Light from dark.
The gameplay on the other Splinter cells on the consoles are fun, cool, and totally badass. But there is only on word to discribe the gameplay in Splinter Cell Essentials, AND.....THE..... WORD.....IS ......... boring. Same moves, same steathly gameplay but downgraded. The AI is really dumb, They won't hear u at most times and are really easy to beat.
Controls are good but not as smooth as the other versions. Camera controls and not really good. U either have to stop and hold down the circle button and look around or map it to the face buttons and have to switch back and forth with the cameras controls and controls to jump and interact with the inviroment.
Throw in a crappy multiplay which pits a spy against a spy and u have the worst splinter cell game in series. Fans of the series will be dissapointed at most and if u are considering to buy this game, U better of to pass on this game