The 2nd go-around for the Splinter Cell Series is topnotch!

User Rating: 9.2 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow PS2
The 2nd time we get to play that awesome guy in the goggles, we find more fun to be had. This time, the story is alot deeper than the last one, if not the best story of the whole series. The gameplay has been slightly tweaked to make it a bit user friendly this time as well. But when I thought the AI from the first game was difficult, i was shocked to find out that these ones kick more ass than before! This game isnt for new players, its very difficult, and will possibly annoy you if your not patient. But for players like me, you'll love it. Graphicly saying, this ones better than its predecessor, with better lighting and shadow manipulation. this also has to win the award for the best levels. I love every single one of them. They are alot of fun to explore. The Voicework has been improved as well.Buy this one.