Despite a long delay and the lack of multiplayer, Pandora Tomorrow is worthy sequel of the original Splinter Cell.

User Rating: 8 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow GC
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell was a surprise smash-hit that came out of nowhere. And the sequel definitely lives up to the original despite the lack of multiplayer. This time around, Sam Fisher has a wider selection of gadgets, visits more exotic locales, and has even more fearsome enemies to deal with! The story is about a guerrilla terrorist who wants to take over the world with smallpox bombs unless he gets a bunch of money and other stuff, so it's up to you to stop him. Pandora's graphics have been updated and look even better in the more exotic and exciting international hotspots you visit. Whether you're infiltrating a terrorist camp in the middle of the Indonesian jungle, climbing under a high-speed train in France, or skulking in a terrorist-held TV studio, the game always looks nice. Fisher has some new gadgets to play around with this time and has some new lethal moves to use. But beyond that, there isn't much new about Pandora Tomorrow. You're still sneaking around heavily-guarded areas, grabbing people and interrogating them, defusing explosives, saving people, ect. But the new features in Pandora tomorrow are enough to make it a purchase. The biggest downer of the Gamecube version is the lack of multiplayer which became an instant hit with the hardcore Xbox Live community. But in the end, Pandora tomorrow is still worth looking into if you enjoyed the first Splinter Cell.