Splinter Cell Pandora tommarow is one of THE best games made for any system. When you play the game and are only feet away from a guard and he doesnt see you, i cant even explain the feeling, Its like getting to the top of a hill on a rollercoaster, right before you drop, its an amazing feeling. I really recomend this game for anyone who wants a challenge. The Online mode is awesome, spies vs. Mercinaries, couldnt have been made more fun. Online mode is frustrating at first but once you get the hang of it, its really fun. Go now and buy it!
Other Helpful Reviews for Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
gameplay 9/10 graphics 9/10 sound10/10 value 9/10 splinter ce ll pandora tmmorow is the best splinter cell game to have come out. its the second best tom clancy game behind r6v for the ps3. this game is loade... Read Full Review
This is such a great game to begin with. Splinter cell came a long way from "Stealth Action Redefined" (which was also an amazing SC game. The graphics are awsome although you spend most of the time in night vision mod... Read Full Review