Pandora Tomorrow is the worst of the whole Splinter Cell saga. I was VERY disappointed.
User Rating: 5.8 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow XBOX
Pandora is really a bad game in my opinion. It's way too easy. When I first got it, I thought it would be a great, challenging game. Boy, how wrong I was. I finished the game in like 30 hours. Plus, the ending was very weak and guess what? No downloadable content or nothing. All you have yet is mulitplayer, which is in fact, weak too. It is very rare to find a game with mature people that don't kick you or whatever. The teams are not even most of the time, and it's like 3 spies and 1 merc, and if you are that merc, they are going to triple team you, which is going to piss you off sooo bad. So, all in all, bad game to play. You messed up big time, Ubisoft.