One of the best Games Ever. The best in the Series. Recommend it to Everybody!!!
Basically we can say it is the same as the previous game, but we can also say, it is the same as the next game ( Double Agent ),but well, it is a good thing, Sneak around, stay in the shadows and do stealth kills, the best way to play this game. While moving slowly at the shadows we can sneak around the Enemies, and or civilians, so we can Knock'em out so they won't f*ck up your mission. You have a Silenced Pistols and an rifle that can use some gadgets, like a camera. You can also use melee, once happened to me, that I accidentally fell of a crate, and the enemy was almost pushing the alarm, and i was : Damn can't use lethal force, what to do , and in this panic I accidentally pressed right clicked and I smacked his face, and he was KO... Some tricks Fisher has lol. We also have a thermal vision which is really handy to find mines and sometimes see the enemies, altho night vision goggles, in my opinion are useless. We also have to hide the bodies, even if you knock out everyone you can have to start again because of the bodies you left behind, which is a bit frustrating, but most of the game you don't need to KO anyone, just go by them, hidden in the shadows.
Gameplay Score: 9/10
The sound in this game, in my opinion is excellent. The characters voices are very well chosen, and fit somehow the game. The footsteps and the ambient sounds are very well made, there is no flaws in it. The only problem are the enemies, well, everyone speaks english very good... I know it is an universal language, but c'mon, not every speaks so good. My friends at school some of them suck so bad that the teacher gives them good grades so they just shut up, and stop saying crap.
Sound Score: 8/10
Much cannot be said about this issue, the graphics are very good , and still if you buy the game today (08) 4 years since its release, you'll think that the game is recent ( of course if you don't know what SC is and had never contact with the series ) The scenarios are nicely made, but can be a bit of linear... today, but i remember when the game got out it was a masterpiece, so the rating should be according to that time, and not today.
The characters, Enemies and the interface , is actually pretty good.
Graphics Score: 9/10
Overall Splinter Cell is one of my favorite series, and Pandora Tomorrow, is one of my Favorite games, so i highly recommend it to Stealth-Games Fans, Ninja Fans, and everybody else.