The best stealth game out there, even in 2007.
User Rating: 9.5 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow PC
OK, my third review. By the way, if you can, go check out my reviews for Guitar Hero and The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time. If you like 'em leave your recommendations. On with the review. You are Sam Fisher, legendary Spy and stealth expert. You play through a series of levels, sneaking around and using the environment to your advantage. Turn of lights. If your desparate, take your silenced weapon and take 'em out. You can knock things over to distract guards while you sneak behind them and grab them, knocking 'em out and carrying them into a broom cupboard. Shimmy along pipes and ledges to sneak right past your enemies. On this game, the less kills the better. Thats all really. Thanks for reading!