Fisher is back and ready for same action!
But Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorow is a worthy sequel.
Fans of this game know who Sam Fisher is (an ultrasecret agent in league with the US government). Fisher is typically armed with a silenced pistol as well as his trusty SC20K multipurpose experimental assault rifle, which he can use for some silent sniping when lethal force is permitted or which he can use to fire off a variety of different gadgets. Those who played Splinter Cell will recognize all of these, which range from diversionary cameras to smoke grenades to electrifying (but nonlethal) rounds. Fisher's other gadgets include lock picks, an optical fiber wire used for seeing what's on the other side of a closed door, and his combined night vision/thermal vision goggles. He's fully decked out to get the job done by any means necessary.
The core gameplay is basically the same.You'll sneak your way through the game's scenarios, avoiding or incapacitating any unsuspecting guards who might otherwise threaten your mission of secrecy. It's not difficult to alert passersby to your presence, either by moving too quickly (or otherwise making too much noise) or by blundering into a well-lit area. Pandora Tomorrow has some nasty surprises in store for us fans of Splinter Cell. Hidden antipersonnel mines (visible only when you toggle your thermal vision), infrared trip wires (likewise), booby traps, motion detectors, security cameras, and other such devices make the going quite difficult.
Pandora Tomorrow also has a great multi-player mode that includes up to 4 players and a total of 8 maps but i haven't played that..............yet so i cant say anything about it.
In the end Pandora Tomorrow gave me a worth wile experience and i will replay it several times before moving to the next Splinter Cell.