A good looking game brought down by frustration and **** controls.

User Rating: 5 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell XBOX
Everybody says what a great game Splinter Cell is, its not. Sure you can sneak around undetected and shimmy along poles but what happens when you get caught, BANG! You're down and have to restart the level. The frustration begins in the tutorial level, do one thing wrong and you have to restart that part of the tutorial. Then when you pass it (if you pass it) you have single player. Around every corner you have to make sure you are not seen which is why you have to shoot out the lights which is where problem two starts.

To shoot out the lights you have to get your gun out which means bringing up a menu, scroll through it for half an hour and then select the gun. So much as move and Sam Fisher, the bastard you play as puts it away. Then there is multiplayer, another thing which is mediocre about this game. Deathmatch does not work with this game at all. You sneak around the map looking for someone and then if you see someone they would probably plugged you in the head.

To sum up Splinter Cell is a mediocre game with some good bits, them being completing a level and shooting someone in the head. Other then that it is extremely frustrating to play and the special moves allow you to be seen, which mean’s you get shot. Stay away from this if you don’t like stealth, if you do, give it a rent.