A solid, enjoyable game that will always be entertaining.

User Rating: 8.3 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell GC
Of all games that I have played, i will have to say that this is one of the best.

Gameplay- During the game, you will have to use a limited arsenal of weapons to take out enemies, enter guarded area's, and get from one place to another. If you can use them at the precise moment needed, and avoid enemies from noticing you, you should be able to do what you need to do.

Graphics- a little uneasy, but still good, having been made a while back. But as long as it's easy to understand what the scenario around you is, then you should be fine.

Sound- amazingly helpful. The music can change baised on whats going on, so you can tell if you've been spotted, or just heard.

Value- Great, you will never want to put it down.

Tilt- awsome, great storyline.

Overall, it's definately worth more than just renting.