Creeping around killing people and knocking them out stealthily is cool, but I'd still prefer an all out shooter.
User Rating: 8.5 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell PC
Splinter Cell was an amazing game. No doubt about it. The guns were stealthy and cunning and some of the gadgets were ingenious. I had a couple of major problems with it. The main one being the type of game it is. It's one of thos games where they say don't let the alarm be raised or you'll fail. And sure, those can be really good, but that just completely takes out the shooter part of this game. That's why it wasn't perfect. Every time you confront somebody, you must stay in the shadows and you're not allowed to shoot them. And this just got incredibly frustrating. This links in with my other moan. The difficulty level on this game was quite literally impossible. With the guns pretty much disabled, it was so difficult to not be noticed. And even then it took an hour just to figure out where you were going. Nice and long, but frustratingly hard for me and that's why it didn't get the highest score.