Greatness all over

User Rating: 9.1 | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell GC
This is a rare game where if you die or get a mission failed, you are looking forward to doing it again! Replaying levels again and again, all the time doing things differently, like "Should I knock 'im out and leave his body on the floor so the other guy will be lured closer, or should I grab him from behind and put a gun to his head and have a face-off between the other guy? What the hey I'll do it one way and then replay it and do it another." Also its so freakin' cool!! ! !!!.....!!!!!!!!!!! How awesome is it to watch a mob member walk by a dark alley you are hiding in and suddenly reach out and pull him into the darkness and when his cronies hear a muffled cry and investigate they jump back and yell in surprise at the sight of a special ops force holding a gun to the head of one of their friends. You'll be constantly telling someone "come over here and watch this, cool huh?" Like shooting out a light with your .57 mm, (much to the bewhilderment of the nearby police officers who mutter things like, "What the heck?") and then grabbing an overhead pipe and sneak away just inches above their head. Trying to complete levels without any casualties or firing a shot also make for a more challenging experiance and force you to be recourceful and accomplish goals in an interesting way. I didnt even mention the gameplay or how it all works because it is completely unnecisary. IT IS FUN! thats the whole point of a game right? The controls are flawless by the way. okish as a port, washed down but BUY IT!