Wait for when The Division comes out with its The Taken King expansion.

User Rating: 2 | Tom Clancy's The Division PS4

For being hyped as the Destiny killer, this game has seemingly made every effort to kill itself without learning anything from its predecessors.

- The base game is quite fun. Theres a good sense of the tactical combat and the controls are very fluid. Running from one cover to the next, trying to flank a group of enemies while they do the same.
- Matchmaking. I don't have a ton of friends who play so being able to join up with a few randoms to complete a mission is a very appreciated feature and it doesn't take very long for the system to find a group.

- Completely forgettable characters. All the NPC's that run the safe houses and even the major ones who work at your main base have no depth or create any kind of connection to you or whats goin on other then the occasional interaction when you upgrade your base. And some of the safe house ones I only remember because of how annoying their voice and dialogue were.
- Completing the fully upgraded base added a couple vendors and a skill slot, but that was it... For all the time it took to do all of the encounters to score enough upgrade points for each of the wings was one of the most insignificant accomplishments I've done in a game.
- "Bosses" don't really do anything more than just take a thousand more rounds of bullets to kill. They're not special, not different, no change of tactic is really necessary except to have to continually kite away if they're they type to just walk up on you and 1-shot you. Different colored health bar but no unique abilities or features.

- Bugs, glitches, exploits, etc. Standing on top of a ledge crouched behind cover only to find someone the roof is made of quicskand and i start sinking through the level. Million DPS glitches that have broken the game and left this huge gear level disparity that makes the Dark Zone feel like a waste of time and effort. Having a boss fight where the objective is to have to kill him by setting of bombs, but the game allows you to just shoot him instead and circumvent the whole thing.
- Nothing stands out. There are so many different gear items and types but the actual graphical changes are so small and dull that they seem pointless. Everyone looks the exact same carrying the same gear running around the same place. In games like this, the excitement is in finding something that makes you stand out. ESPECIALLY visually. Why make it 3rd person if youre going to make me look like every other agent? Everyone makes fun of the pom pom beanie feature but thats because the appearance modifications are a f***ing joke!
- Unrewarding. When you create a game based on loot, there needs to be good loot and a good way of getting it. Diablo III failed, Destiny failed but now they've made huge steps towards creating games with a rewarding loot structure. You saw these games fail, you saw the frustration and feedback, you see them improve, but instead Division decided well we wanna have the loot system start off as garbage first and then slowly, very slowly work on fixing it...

- If literally all of your friends spend their time playing the Division and you are the only one that doesn't have it yet, then yeah, i might recommend buying it. But until they find a way to right the exploits, add some variety to missions and create a rewarding loot system and appearance items that actually allow you to distinguish yourself from the tens of people playing this game, I'd pass on it until maybe after an expansion or two.