Tomb Raider & Lara Croft My love!

User Rating: 10 | Tomb Raiders (PSOne Books) PS
I love Lara Croft! And that's a fact.
Tomb Raider is a great game. It all started in 1996 when the Core produced the game and Eidos published it.
Basically it's and adventure and action game. We play as Lara Croft a famous archaeological adventurer (and a lady) who was hired by Natla's President to find some ancient artifact which name is scion. Then the role starts and we deal with the evolution of the game.

Story: the story is great, we have all the elements that we love in the games and even in the movies, betrayal, money, a hero who always fight for the good and justice and is one of the best personalities in the world. The drama starts when a supposed dead friend returns following the deceits of Natla's team and all ends in a very good way ending.

The Gameplay: By the time it was released the gameplay of Tomb Raider was revolutionary and it allowed you to do almost everything you want; i must say that for the first time i could say i was free literally. The basic moves are really necessary to use in the game and we cn explore most parts of th environment. Jumping, running, walking, looking, shooting, grabbing, get the items, use the items. I will never forget when i learned to walk and run, to move to the left and right and jump, it all would appear to a drunken lady. It was one of the first games that i could experience such dimension and the theory " you can run but you can't hide" are present and you will feel that when you see the animals and monsters. As long as you practice you'll soon become an archaeologist yourself at least just deep in your mind.

The graphics: The graphics was great at that time. I was impressed specially with the details. Let's say the truth, Core did a great job although my favourite part was every time i watched Lara walk or run( and i mean every time) i always felt something so good i wish i could touch her just for 5 minutes but it's ok. The water details and even the beasts moves and the traps ( like the rolling stone :). The Thor room where electric bolts could hit you was one of my favourite graphical moment of the game.

Sound: The sound was excellent, i'm calm so i love when suddenly a mystery sound would play and a group of wolves start to pursue her/us, the emotion it's unforgettable. The musics convoy with the environments specially the Egypt levels. The sounds can always have a splendid result depending of the situation: if you fall from an old temple high floor you will hear a dying scream and it's memorable.

Value: It was worth that's all i can say about it. Every time i remember 1996 one of the most important things is Tomb Raider and i would pay and spend again everything i've payed and spent just to feel again the way i felt when i was younger.

Tilt: I can say that by the time Tomb Raider was released, it was already a mark in videogames history. Every elements of the game really made me and many other hardcore players like me spend joy times, specially the dreams about Lara if tell here i think will get reported :).

when i played Tomb Raider i was growing and i can say that Tomb Raider and even Lara individually helped me grow not only in the intelligence but physically too, every 13 year boy who played Tomb Raider knows exactly what i mean (curves and really good curves). But the game is not only curves, is more than that we have other ethical elements but it's not meant to be written in here.
I'll finish saying that i really love Lara Croft i hope one day i'll meet a girl like her (maybe i already have) and surely she is for me THE GREATEST FEMALE VIDEOGAME CHARACTER OF ALL TIME.