Tob Raider, on the bus, classic. Gameplay not 100% but its still best hand-held tomb raider and beats AOD hands-down.
The Graphics are 99& of what they were before. some textures arent there when there supposed to be, but for me its wasent ever about the graphics the Gameplay stands out as some of the best on the Playstation One, and again it stands tall on the N-Gage.
The Controls take a wee bit of getting used to but when they do there good, not amazing but good. There are only One drawback, when you run sometimes lara wont stop when u let go off the up butten you must press the down butten to stop. that takes some gettin used to.
The sound, I feel, is the biggest drawback in the original when u found a secret, explored the mansion, or found something interesting lara would talk which isnt incuded here and i beleive the sound she makes when she hits walls etc is removed. the only sounds are guns, animals, scenery and when u use a medipack she says "Ahhhh".
On Value i have this to say, i got it for a fiver. No better value ever. and it was brand new.
I have enjoyed Tomb Raider Since Its Beginning,all except 'the other one' are amazing games. Since, I believe, is worhy of the name Tomb Raider.