While they nail the early Tomb Raider aesthetic and to an extent, the level design, the platforming is too painful to bother continuing with. I can deal with a requirement of finesse, but there I can't justify playing a game which is mostly just a now dated homage to a game I've already played, except with broken platforming mechanics. Although it is rife with inconsistencies and glitches, there was one particular flaw that caused me to decide to quit. The mechanic to drop down from above a ledge to grab onto a ledge was extremely poorly implemented. There is a fine line between relentlessly and unnecessarily unforgiving and straight up broken - is it just me doing the wrong thing? But I confirmed it when on several occasions I'd walk very slowly off the edge, holding down right trigger and Lara would become stuck in the middle of the fall animation and freeze on the edge before falling off, and I would be forced to redo the last 2 minutes. Life is too short for this shit. I played 2 hours worth of content in about 6 hours. Either use a save anywhere system or have predictable, working platform mechanic.
I began playing Remember Me right after. This is how to do drop and hang off ledge. Not fight with the camera view, the terrible controls and the glitchy Lara.