Lara makes her Wii Debut. Not perfect but still fun, and a must have for the price!!!!

User Rating: 8 | Tomb Raider: Anniversary WII
Most people look right past this game which is a shame imo.

I understand it is a port, but it's one of the better versions again, imo.

Controls are decent for the most part. The camera is tricky to get used to, but works very well when mastered. Shooting is easy as "point n click" so no worries when it comes to analog aiming (all replaced by the pointer).

I only noticed a frame rate drop here or there, but it's smooth for the most part. Graphics are beautiful for last generation and still hold up better than most Wii games to date imo. The lighting effects, water, textures, sceanary are all good imo. It's not pushing the Wii to the limits, but it's not hurting it by any means either.

Music is pretty good (never played another TR, so I can't compare it), so no complaints.

Dialogs are smooth as well, I don't remember anything that hurt the game.

Eidos also added Wii-specific aspects of the game such as; puzzles, motion gestures (controls/semi-cutscenes), and flash light control.

The puzzles can be a little tedious, but they do add to the game allowing a break from the puzzle/platforming if you needed one. The gestures are a good idea, and work fine...but didn't nessarily have to be added imo. They did get your addrenalin going, but as soon as it did it was over. (cutscenes) The actualy motion (controls) worked for the grappling hook, and climbing. They worked, but seemed to be some what picky. After getting used to them, it's no big it's just a minor set back. I honestly don't think it was the dev's fault either...The nun-chuk seems rather limited when it comes to controls.

Overall...the game is great if you're into this kind of genre. The only real problem I had with the game is the loading times, it wasn't PS2 loading times...but it did rather slow when compared to 1st party games.

Should def play!