My Introduction to Lara Croft

User Rating: 9.4 | Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft PC
Tomb Raider III is probably my favorite game in the Tomb Raider series. I must admit that it is also the first Tomb Raider game, and thus is how I was initiated to Tomb Raider. So, I may be biased. I have friends who claim the first Tomb Raider was the best.

I liked this particular Tomb Raider because of the action/adventure nature of the game. The game is in the third person view. Perhaps it has something to do with controlling a luscious babe and protecting her from harm. Perhaps this is explained by the “final girl theory (FGT)” ( ). To rebuff the FGT, my wife is actually into the Tomb Raider series as much as I. What makes this game so immersive is the diversity in rich landscapes from all areas of the globe. You travel from city’s to jungles, and the secretive area 51. Many puzzles require solving, shooting bad guys as well as dangerous animals. If all the secrets are collected a extra secret level is opened up for you.

On the down side, I found bugginess in setting the game up initially on the PC. The display had many problems with the stock video drivers, and ended up using unsupported drivers to get the game to play without video display problems.

Some have said this game is one of the hardest, and too difficult. However, for those who don’t mind cheating, there are unlimited ammo and other cheats available for this game.

I loved this game and have played it through several times. If you have never played Tomb Raider before, and would like to, this game is an excellent place to start before moving on.
