Perhaps the greatest comeback in videogame history. Real Score: 7.8/10
Tomb Raider: Legend's story is one of deceit and betrayal and it ends on a twist. Sadly the game ends with you wanting more. I completed the game on the normal difficulty in 6-7 hours so the game is quite short which is disappointing. There really isn't much replay value either, unless you plan on buying Tomb Raider Anniversary over Xbox Live Arcade instead of in stores, because you need the Legend disc to okay Anniversary. I haven't bought it yet, but I definitely plan to.
Tomb Raider: Legend plays like you would expect it to. There are times when you will be shooting, times when you will be swinging on ropes and traversing along cliffs, and time when you will be solving puzzles. The game does a good job making sure that the gameplay is pretty much equal between these three types of gameplay, which is nice because you never really get tired of any of them. The game does get a little easy towards the end of the game. I felt like the levels were getting shorter and easier as the game went on, and the final boss was a piece of cake compared to others. I actually think that the first boss was the hardest. The puzzles are kind of difficult at first, but once you start thinking like Lara Croft would, the puzzles get easier and easier because you can look at a situation and its easy to tell how you can solve it using things in the environment around you. The occasional driving is thrown in for good measure and with the exception of one (the fork lift was ridiculous) they are all a blast to play through and sometimes the highlights of the level.
Tomb Raider: Legend has some pretty good looking graphics, although they are nothing amazing. While it looks better than the graphics on the last-gen consoles it does not look as good as some of the other 360 games that were being released at the same time. The character models and environments all look good, but I just felt like the graphics were lacking some next gen polish.
The voice over's in the game are quite good, even though Lara's friends can get a little bit annoying. The sound effects such as the guns and just the environments in general sound very good. The game has a pretty good soundtrack that is quite original.
Tomb Raider: Legends is a fun game. It is however also a very short game. If you buy the game for its cheap used price and you also plan on buying Tomb Raider Anniversary over Xbox Live Arcade I recommend buying this game because you need the disc to play Anniversary. If you don't plan on buying Anniversary at all or you have a store nearby with the actual Anniversary disc (I myself don't have one, and I have heard XBLA is cheaper) than just rent Tomb Raider: Legend for a rainy weekend.
Gameplay: 8/10
Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 8/10
Value: 7/10
Tilt: 9/10