Fun game overall, though with a few problems. I found it new for only $10 which is really a great value.

User Rating: 8.4 | Tomb Raider: Legend PC
I haven't played any of the previous TR games, so I don't have those games to compare it to. But I saw this for cheap and gave it a try. I'm glad I did. The graphics are great (my PC is pretty high end and runs this game beautifully), the gameplay is fun most of the time, and things are varied pretty well so it doesn't become tedious.

This is an adventure game, but it's also a puzzle game, and something of an action game. For me the difficulty was about right. I don't like games that are so hard they can only be enjoyed by "hardcore" gamers, i.e. those who have nothing to do all day but play games. I didn't have much trouble picking this up, though I was at times frustrated trying to figure out what to do next, especially in the early going. Once I learned what to look for in various situations, I got better at it. It has to do with looking at the environment and figuring out how to maneuver your way through it, usually by jumping and swinging from place to place. Sometimes you have to shoot the bad guys, which is usually not too hard. Sometimes you have to hit the right keys at the right time. And sometimes you drive a motorcycle.

The biggest drawback of the game is that it ends rather abruptly, so that you end up feeling it was too short. Actually, it wasn't too short in overall length I don't think, but it just feels that way, so you feel a bit cheated. The final level is really nothing more than a boss fight, after which the story is left hanging. That's disappointing.

Other problems: The camera was annoying at times, and didn't always work as it should. Also, some of the boss battles had to be replayed a bunch of times until you figured them out and then practiced the correct key presses often enough to get it right. They were a bit frustrating to learn to beat--especially the key-press-in-the-right-order-at-the-right-moment ones.

On the whole though, this game is enjoyable and worth getting.