A mediocre port of the good PS2 game.

User Rating: 5.5 | Tomb Raider: Legend PSP
Let's start with saying Tomb Raider Legend for the Playstation 2 is the most fun I've had with an adventure game for a long time, but Tomb Raider Legend for Playstation Portable is possibly the most disappointing PSP game I have ever played.The gameplay is marred by major slowdown and awful controls.The graphics are o.k. for PSP but I expected better after better looking games for the PSP.This game was barely worth the forty bucks I spent on it, I wouldn't even spend ten dollars for it! In the end I would say avoid this mediocre game at all costs.Go out and buy a much better version for the Playstation 2, Xbox, or Xbox 360 instead believe me you won't regret it.