Definitely a return to form for the series, but far from flawless.
Tomb Raider : Legend is the game that finally rights the main wrong that has plagued the series from the beginning, and that of course would be the controls. Navigating the impressive environments is at last intuitive and responsive which makes Legend much more immediately enjoyable. The visuals are fantastic, mainly due to the beefed up textures the Xbox360 enables. However you can still tell that it's not really next-gen. The audio is also very solid but doesn't really stand out too much.
The game play here is familiar but pretty well done. The emphasis is mainly on exploration and puzzle solving, with gun play punctuating the varied areas you'll go to. The gun play isn't particularly well done but it definitely works. But it's also not the main game play feature. But overall the game feels pretty polished and is, most importantly, a lot of fun to play. The story is quite engaging once it gets moving but it's all over way too quickly. But we all know there'll be a sequel.