Lara is back to kickass, for a very short time though.
the game is well put the storyline, the mighty graphics, the voice acting and the very sexy lara croft. the only and very buggy thing about the game is its shortness.
it took me less than 7 hours to complete that game considering i was playing the game on normal not hard and i stopped a couple of time to have some break.
the game's addiction is unbearable, you just cant get enough of it, but it sure got enough of you so soon, going around through the story figuring what the hell happen to lara's mother and her lost friend amanda and discovering the misterious artifacts and relics are the things you gonna be doing in the game.
the fighting parts of the game take two types the Enter the matix crappy style without any time freezing or bullet dodging and the other way is the Beyond good and evil style of pushing the button on time and figuring where to push something to hit someone.
the graphics, very very well made and very hard to run, the game needs a top-end computer to run it on medium forget about high options.
i ran the game on low but it ran well not glitchs or flickering or whatever.
the camera isnt that bad, its not very easy to use but stil not soo hard, easier than Prince of Persia The Two Thrones though, so its not that hard.
the game isnt so easy but due to its awsomness you find yourself retrying the parts you failed the first time few times again without getting frustrated but still the game is pretty easy to play, i havent try to play it on hard but what the point anyways, you cant ply most adventure games more than once that you already know how to solve all the puzzles and stuff but i guess i will give it another chance to challenge my skills.
i'd advice every adventure fan, or action adventure to be more accurate to own their copies of the game, plus who doesnt love sexy lara.