Back from the tomb? Most definitely.
A good storyline has always been a key element for the Tomb Raider games and Legend doesn't disappoint. It tells how Lara came to be what she is and the mystery behind her mother's supposed death with some sort of far fetched connection to the King Arthur myth. It all boils down nicely and is complimented by some well-animated (and well-acted) cutscenes.
As far as gameplay goes the Tomb Raider formula isn't vehemently changed, but it still feels quite fresh. It's still basically three parts exploration with a little combat added for good measure. While the exploration is still a blast the gunplay is where the game falls short. Mostly due to some awkward control glitches, but it's not something that would hamper the enjoyment of capping someone in the crotch too badly.
Graphically the game looks spectacular. From the art direction to the awesomely detailed character models and the jaw-dropping environments. Turn on the next-gen graphical contents and it looks even better, but be prepared to do so with a rig that qualifies the crazy-ass "Optimal Requirements".
A huge comeback of an icon in the gaming world; Legend reminds us why the series was acclaimed so much in the first place. The only major problem that plagues Legend is that there isn't much of it, the game ends in the blink of an eye, but in the end it is always quality that wins over quantity.