Controls need improvement.

User Rating: 7.6 | Tomb Raider: Legend PC
I enjoyed playing the game for the most part but I found that there were a few annoyances particularly when fighting a boss. The biggest issue has to do with the delayed response of some of the controls and conflicting button combinations. If you are trying to move, jump or roll around to avoid attack and simultaneously fire upon the enemy, you must press each button at the right moment, in the right sequence and be very quick at it, otherwise you will likely suffer the loss of health or death. I also found it kind of annoying that your weapons must first be holstered before using the grapple. In other words Lara does not automatically holster her weapon when the grapple button is pressed. Finally I have noticed that the camera sometimes does not pan around in the direction you are trying to face or swings further than expected because of an adjacent obstacle. This is a critical issue when trying to maintain your view of an enemy target. But despite these few issues the game still remained quite enjoyable.