It seemed rushed
Don't get me wrong, Legend is a great game but it is very short, I myself beat it on medium in 6 hrs without cheats or walkthroughs. Now this at first may seem that I am just that good but then you find out theres only 8 levels to the game.
The 8 levels that are there are great though all of them are well done and are very deep and thought out straight down to the patterns on the walls. The only level i have an issue about is Tokyo, i just think that there could have been more to do on the roof tops of the metropolis epesially with the motorbike that was on it. I would have like to see maybe another 8 levels on top of the 8 already there and see afew more motorbike scenes.
The storyline is alright but could be better and perhaps have a bit more in it then lara and amanda running around the globe in search for Xcalava or whatever it is called. And at the end it screams "sequal along the same storylone" when they mention avalon then it cuts out to credits.
The puzzles were good and some made you think and some were obvious but with more levels it should've got harder but I guess there weren't enough levels to progressivly harden.
The fighting was very poor and especially easy when it came to versing humans. When versing humans the hardest it ever got would be only about 10 shooting at you at one time and once you kill them 5 more come then thats it. I would've liked to see better classes and possibly more guns and more inventive guns. When versing beasts it always seems unfair,some will only be killed through special things that you have to do then dont necessarily involve the monster at all. Other times you will have to kill it multiple times beforeit finally gives up ala last level. I would like to see just once a huge fire fight with tanks, rocket launchers and all these baddies verses lara and some SAS people or something and lara has to shoot people or push rocks onto tanks and make ita really challenging battle. But I would like to comment on the motorbike scenes they were very well done but perhaps could have used some tough terrain and enemies instead of only one or the other.
The sound is good and has some alright music that probably could've been more relevent to the levels and also when theres a lara vs humans battle sometimes this semi matrix battle music comes in and you'll be sitting there shooting barrels, trucks and people waiting for the music to suddenly kick in with full on hardcore techno with a bit of metal but it never comes.
The graphics are excellent and realistic like laras pistols smoke after beeing used, minor details are great such as small rocks crumbling and stuff. And Lara has never looked better, her face is alot more realistic and so is other parts of her. - (that reminds me, its a bit silly how alot of the clothes have major clevage just for the lonely geeks who have nothing else to look at. I like clevage and all that but I aint really into cyber porn so while I wouldn't mind a bit just not too much ok? we dont want those geeks to strain something......) and when Lara gets wet her clothes actually look and act wet and eventually dry out which is just amazing.
All the random cool things such as grapples, better aerobatics and button events are good.The only thing I would have to complain about is the button events, I would like to see lara pull of some kicka$$ stunt thats completely impossible but semi belivable. -I guess my taste for nice but not necissarily realistic stunts comes from being a Matrix fan.
Basically in the next one I would like to see more levels, harder diffulcity, better gun battles, better monster battles and i want crystal dynamics to keep up the basic good work.