Tomb Raider Legend can be the best Tomb Raider ever not just in terms of technology but also gameplay.
User Rating: 9.1 | Tomb Raider: Legend PC
Tomb Raider Legend is the best Tomb Raider ever not just in terms of technology but also gameplay. This game has got the same x-factor back that made playing the first Tomb Raider games an unforgettable experience and went missing in a past few titles. Some of the new moves that Lara does are a pleasure not just to execute but just watching someone play and do them makes you want to play the game. the motor bikes and action scenes absorb you and Lara's constant communication to base makes game playing experience even better.
The graphics are superb and Lara looks the way she never looked before, the most sexy heroine ever to hit the gaming scene. The sound at some places though breaks up.
Definitely a must buy... if you like Tomb Raider, you'll love this.