This has a wonderful story and great graphics. For sure it's one of the best PS3 games ever made! Better than Uncharted!
User Rating: 10 | Tomb Raider: Underworld PS3
This has the best story that any game has ever had (I actually loved it and payed attention). The graphics are outstanding, everything looks so real. The difficulty is not real easy and not too hard (although you can choose it to be real easy or real hard). Outstanding voice work too! There are special features too with extra outfits and more. Legend and Anniversary are nothing compared to this game. You will want to replay this game so much! I think that this game will shock people because some people don't really care for Tomb Raider series, but this is a must have for anyone who plays video games. Can't wait for the down loadable extra levels and outfits coming at the end of the year! Don't worry if you don't have an Xbox 360 because PS3 will have it too (Sony confirmed they will have it too, but they haven't signed the deal yet). EVERYONE GO BUY IT! It is worth the money! This is one of the best games ever made!!! And it is better than Uncharted: Drake's Fortune!!!