One word. Sexy.
I tested out the demo for fun and I agree that although there could had been lots of tiny things improved like occasional awkward camera angles, more fluid animations at some points, more improved hand to hand combat experience, and better controls at times, etc... these dont downgrade the overall experience at all. After playing so many TR games, Ive already either gotten used to those little problems, OR... just ignored them simply because I cant get mad or pissed off at Lara no matter how frustrating the controls can get at times, cuz she is so sexy.
Dont get me wrong, Im not saying Underworld has lots of tiny problems, its just funny how after so many years, they are still around. But what do we love about TR? The open world, the exploration, the cities, the characters, the puzzles.... and when I first started the demo, I was impressed by the water visuals, and overall the graphics are beautiful. She has a lot more moves to perform now, the scenery is very rich and very alive, and.... I dont need to say more........ If you like TR, forget reading reviews and just play the game!
Conclusion: Amazingly realistic water effects and being able to go explore large underwater world is probably the coolest addition to the series. Menu design is simple, sleek, and quick to select. Graphics are nice for its appeal. Lighting is beautiful. Lara is sexy.
btw: There are hints in the game, for those who complain there isnt.... and there is a map, its called sonar map.