back to it's roots, but now missing the things it did right previously.

User Rating: 7 | Tomb Raider: Underworld PS3
So lara must once again save the world by collecting precious artifacts and scaling walls around huge ancient forgotten cities, and thats all good and fun, but here's the problem. the fighting mechanic in the game basically persists of you running around in circles to avoid the enemy while holding down the shoot button, yeah...i know. on top of that there are no boss battles, not even at the end of the game. but the game does have its strides. the platforming in the game is absolutley amazing, the puzzles are all unique and also hard and challenging, and if you ever get completley stuck you can always consult your croft tech PDA for hints and straight out answers for where to go next.

but how long can someone really sit there and enjoy jumping from ledges and poles, no matter how fun it is. the story in the game is pretty linear and straightforward, but i will say that if you havent played a tomb raider game in a while your probably going to be confused about a few things, although there is a previously video in the extras section, it does little to sum up whats been going on.

and my biggest problem with this game is the ending, becuase there basically is none, I.E. its very lackluster, it just kinda ends, no big finale or climax or anything really, just roll credits.

but the game does look amazing, gets a little glitchy towards the end, but beautiful none the less. id say Edios is on the right track, they just need to do some serious work on the combat system, and get some story development in there.