User Rating: 7 | Tomb Raider: Underworld X360
Unfortunately she brought the bad cameras angles and some bugs :-( Good game but I would advise a rental only, because if you buy it you wasted your $$$$$$$$$.
Very bad camera angles. (as probably expected) Bugs a plenty. You think with like 7 or 8 games and on 7 or so different game systems and a couple of publishers/developers they should've had this version right. So If you just wanna see the new LARA, save your money buy a playboy instead. Well the graphics are pretty good but it's too frustrating too notice them when your trying too move in some places. Yeah and forget about the climbing or jumping because her ability too due those things are not welcomed. Sorry I was too harsh on LARA she can climb but not jump. And why does it take LARA like two and a half clips of ammo too kill a guy, when she can get killed in like four or five ?? Oh one more thing before I go , watch out for the walls sucking you in, it happens.