Lara's back and she even bought a change of clothes. Good game, but could have been better.

User Rating: 8.5 | Tomb Raider: Underworld PS3
Up until the time the GameStop clerk gave me my purchased copy of Underworld, I had not played Tomb Raider since Legends. Needless to say I was a little anxious and let me tell you I am a satisfied customer.
Ms. Lara Croft is back with her same old moves and some nice new ones too. If you played any of the game previously you know what to expect from this game - the camera switches
on you at the wrong times, a few graphical glitches here and there. I killed a guy on the big boat and he died on his knees with this gruesome look on his face, it was hilarious. During certain parts of the game she would pass through objects, she even kicks though them too. You'll notice at time when standing on a pole she sometimes stands in the air, but that's Tomb Raider.

The new field help item is a blessing and if used properly will get you out of hard to figure out places (you may not need that walk-through). The new wall climbing feature is pretty cool and
adds to the value of the game. The graphics are good but not great and if you are a fan of the series, the game play will remind you of the previous games - it's like riding a bike. Good old reliable Lara.
Overall it is a good game, not great but still good and I am enjoying it and to me it is sort of addicting to play it again, I find it hard to put down the controller.

I rate it a 9.0 8)

edited 12/21/2008

This game can be very frustrating at times. The camera angle changes and Lara will jump anywhere. Killing falling spiders leaves their remains suspended in mid-air. EDIOS could have done a lot better, for this generation of consoles. The games plays and have the same glitches as in the previous PS2 games. Come on EDIOS! Re do it and make it better!!!