This game is a mixed bag and the title ''underworld'' fits large on this entry. I was very excited when I heard of a new entry to the series and even more so with the title. Being an old fan of the series, Ive played every single TR game. Personally, from such a title I expected ''underwold'' to be a dark, scary, evil atmosphere, that would bring flashbacks from ''the last revelation'' , the 4th enty for TR which to me was the best in the series. Last rev. was a scary, dark game that would put you up against rotten mummies, sword wielding skeletons, glowing eyes evil dogs, flesh eating scarabs and more immortal beings ( they couldnt be killed ) in dark, really dark ( not just low light ) egyptian tombs filled with horrible boobytraps around every corner, haunted by spirits, blood flowing through canals, and every kind of scary goul imaginable that would keep you immersed in a thick, fearfull atmosphere. Unfortunatly this game s settings are bright locales or well lit hallways that inspire no fear. This game adds some nice new moves to the series character and is graphically immpresive, well designed, has some ingenious puzzles and great platforming action, but the camera will give some terrible angles during some of the stunts that will make you missjudge, misscalculate or misstime your jumps and die way more than neccesary. This will be a problem also during combat, be it with man or beast, the camera will often have staring at a wall while tigers or other beasts chews you up. Apart from the camera, the overall combat is simply bad. Your guns will only be effective at absurdly short distance so seeing a foe and pointing at him doesnt mean you can shoot him, enemies can take exagerated amounts of lead before they go down, a man will take +5 shots near point blank with a shotgun or +25 bullets from a gun and only maybe he will die. This said, the lack of atmospheric horror, the combat, and camera get close to screwing the whole thing up. TR needs to go back to the dark, scary atmosphere it acomplished with ''last revelation'' , totally redo its bad shooting mechanic, fix the unforgibable camera, then add the new, impproved moves and graphics and then it will be a game to behold.
Positives + Some beautifully detailed enviroments + Rewarding achievments + Interesting story Negatives - Puzzles can be extremely difficult - Very hard to complete without a walkthrough! Welcome to my revie... Read Full Review
I have played many Tomb Raiders in the past (1, 2, Anniversary, Angel of Darkness) and thought there was nothing left that this series could really offer but Underworld really takes Tomb Raider to a new level! Under... Read Full Review