Not for first time Tomb Raider players.

User Rating: 4 | Tomb Raider: Underworld WII
Ehh just an awkward holiday outing. Sonic Unleashed was not to great and now I sit here with Tomb Raider Underworld. To be honest first Tomb Raider game I played and I wasn't expecting much. It was actually a secondary game cause the nearest Wal-Mart didn't have Tales of Symphonia 2 Dawn of the New World. So the graphics on this game are really good. Too good in fact. The gameplay is where it fails. Everyone complains about the camera, but you have to be extremely patient with it. The jumping mechanics are way out of line You don't know what shes capable of making some outrageous jumps and climbs when she misses something she dies in the awkwardest way. The shooting with the Wii is good is guess but you know there's hardly anything to shoot so yea.... It just seems like the Wii is being let down for hardcore gamers. Don't even feel like reviewing the whole game. Going to trade this bad boy in the second I get the chance. Rent if first people and be let down on your own.