A worthy sequel to Legend that doesn't come without disappointment. As a TR game, it carries low replay value.
A) Presentation
Tomb Raider games have never been intent on breaking the graphics Guinness record. Even so, Underworld looks simply fine and leads Legend and Anniversary by a margin. In the cutscenes, characters show lifelike facial expressions and fluent movements; in-game, you have my word that Alison Carroll's stunts pay off.
Voice acting's great. I'm glad Lara's and Amanda's voice actors haven't been swapped. Music is solid but works only in-game to raise one's adrenaline levels. The soundtrack isn't punchy enough to differentiate itself. Believe me; you won't like listening it over and over again on your I-pod as you might for "The Imperial March".
The frame rates are consistently high while some scenes in the Mediterranean Sea level lag painfully. Eidos has to do something about it.
B) Gameplay
My opinion is crystal clear: Tomb Raider Underworld, like the last two, is fun to play only once or twice. As soon as you learnt where to climb/ jump and how to solve a puzzle, not even Lara's dual pistols can save it. Nevertheless, every single thing in your first run should keep your head wondering.
Long time fans won't be surprised that shooting only takes the second place in the gameplay of Tomb Raider Underworld. There are lots of enemies to take care of but you will find your marksman's talent impotent here due to Underworld's auto-targeting system. On the other hand, all weapons except the tranquillizer gun feel powerful and like Legend, you can't wait for some rampaging kills with the power of ancient artifacts.
Am I the only person who thinks that the headshot formula has back-stepped compared to Anniversary? In Anniversary, you shoot enemies relentlessly. When they get enraged and within range, Lara can perform a headshot killing them instantly. Unfortunately, Eidos altered the headshot formula.
In Underworld, Lara can perform headshots based on her adrenaline levels rather than enemy rage levels both built up by shooting enemies continuously. However, the adrenaline meter takes much longer to fill. Besides, in Anniversary, a headshot opportunity is quite impossible to miss. When the enemy is provoked, it soars while a glowing ring in orange surrounds its head. Within range, Lara can trigger the headshot bullet time countering its rage attack. You can concentrate on the enemy. Enemies are easily provoked so you can kill almost each of them with headshots granted you are not a terrible gamer. But in Underworld, you must divert your attention from the action to the HUD time to time to see if the adrenaline bar is full (mostly negative). If it is finally full, you have to come face to face with the enemy and press a button (default Q on PC) to trigger the headshot bullet time. Every time you trigger the headshot bullet time, the adrenaline meter empties itself regardless to your success or failure. Things get more complicated because the slowly accumulated adrenaline meter always cools down itself out of combat unless you meet its maxima.
Moreover, while performing a headshot in Anniversary, first wait for the two red reticules to lock onto the enemy's head automatically. When they do, all you need to do is to click the FIRE button. It is almost too easy. In contrast, in Underworld, you must first sheer the red reticule manually onto the enemy's head and then click the FIRE button to perform a headshot. It looks like you have more control! Yes. Meanwhile, you are promised more failures too. If you ask me, I would rather abuse the auto-targeting system and fire away.
C) Story
Tomb Raider Underworld picks up where Legend left off. Lara is avidly looking for Avalon where her mother seems to have teleported to thanks to Amanda's dirty trick.
Unlike Anniversary (a tribute to the first Lara Croft game ten years ago) which emphasizes on isolation, Lara is frequently in touch with his allies (Alester and Zip) or foes (Amanda and Natla) in Underworld. I frankly can't stand prolonged loneness so it's a blessing in my opinion that you don't feel like being the only person on Mars.
I aren't going to spoil the story for you but I have already revealed that Natla, the evil Queen of Atlantis from Tomb Raider Anniversary, makes her way back. To make it clear, Amanda rescued and caged and used her. How these two villains manipulate each other and work against Lara together goes a long way to helping the story reach its climax. In addition, you are bound to get some questions from Legend and Anniversary answered.
D) Conclusion
Tomb Raider Underworld is marvelous. Be ready for some headstrong adventure it showcases. The story draws you in so much that you won't forget it even if you forgot how the game played ten years later.
Rent it! It is worthwhile to experience Lara's new epics once or twice. Then return it and wait patiently for the next. Rather than climbing ledges all day again, why don't go blasting others on Gears of War 2 multiplayer?