here's my review of tomb raider underworld:
STORY: well, story is the best part of the game. it's ok and nothing more. my score 8/10
GAMEPLAY: this is the part where i complain the most. i'll start with troublesome camera: u can't rotate it 360 degrees all the time. it jams between rocks and walls. in this game u'll climb a lot and you will be jumping much too, but when u need to jump from one wall to another be sure that u ''aim'' the camera towards the wall u want to jump on, otherwise u'll fall and die. next and worst thing about the whole game is gun fight. i don't have the words to describe it, but it really sucks! score 5/10
CONTROLS: they're pretty good and easy to use. score 9/10
OVERALL: tomb raider undeworld is mediocore game and i suggest not buying it. these days there are much better games and if u want to play it rent it first.