Tomb raider raided her last tomb
Now although i have got all the trophys for this game, i still dislike it, the main problem for me in this game is LC (Lara Croft) skill of not wanting to grab a ledge the number of times i jumped for a ledge and she wouldn't grab it or jumped the wrong way or just jump clear over it made it frustrating.
For those who enjoyed Tomb Raider: Legend tomb raider underworld is a major let down, it only improved on one thing and that's the bike sections they no longer feel like a rail shooter it's more free roaming style now. The camera is worse than it's younger sister, the game has more bugs than a fire ant colony there is one huge bug in the final level that can really mess your progress up which means you have to start the level again (and you can't because you can't reload checkpoints or just restart the level, BUT you can save at anytime which will take you back to your latest checkpoint).
There are too many bugs to list, just be aware that there are more than enough to break a gamer. There are 7 enermy types and each type has 1 skin, on each level the humans all look the exact same (there is 1 type of enermy that has 2 skins but that's just a colour change) there is no "bonus" level aka croft maner which has been on every tomb raider since tomb raider 2 (if i remember right)
The funny QTE (Quick time events where the button pops up on screen and you have to press it not to die) have been removed it has been replaced with, frankly, a sub par mechanic that isn't used to it's full potential. One major let down is having access to ALL the guns from the word GO i was looking forward to looking for them or at least picking them up off of fallen enermys.
NO boss fights at all, i don't count the big "guy" on the first level because you don't fight him as some people might know boss fights are a must for me, even if they are bad boss fights it's better than not having any.
Lack of speach from the whole cast, LC speaks to her self FAR too much i'm starting to think she's lost it, you don't meet/speak to many other charaters apart from LC and the ones you do come across say and do very little they all feel flat and lifeless to boot. Remember that witty banter from the cast in the last one? Well it's not here, your friends only have a hand full of lines which don't help at all.
Now it's time for the good, the environments (above ground) feel wide open and full of space for you to explore the swimming levels are really well done you really do feel like you are swimming in the sea, the bike levels are good this is the ONLY good improvement from the first one in my eyes. While you are adventuring around you'll often come across these "holocrons" ,SWG fans should know what i'm getting at, which are treasures there are 179 if them (random number) and 1 relic which is a good way to make you want to keep looking around for them, even though they are of no use. That's it really...
OH yea the trophys are easy as slamming your hand in a door, sure it's painful and a easy way to get off work, but why would you slam your own hand in a door? Nutter
thank you B.D.