I was at first sceptic about the new Tomb Raider game, but decided to get it in the end. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.
The new game has all of the old Tomb Raider charm, with plenty of collectibles, platforming and puzzle solving,and well...tombs. Platforming is smooth and feels rewarding, especially when you are high in the mountains and look down. The action is better then in previous games because it feels more realistic with Lara being more fragile in direct combat, but again being given the option to silently assassinate her opponents.
On the other hand, the much promised realism is not really there in other areas. Lara still survives insane jumps and falls, and doesn't seem affected. It's not bad on it's own,but the promise of supreme realism only made me notice the lack of the same. In fact, here Lara performs even crazier stunts than ever before and doesn't even blink.
The story is actually really good,and does an excellent job of showing how Lara became the Tomb Raider we know and love, building on her relationships with her companions and exploiting them to the maximum. The general story is a bit predictable but still fits well and gives an excellent and beautiful setting to the more important personal story of Lara Croft.
The graphics are pretty good, even on my machine with most of the settings set on low the game looked pretty by today's standards and ran at an excellent frame rate. Music component is good as well, with themes that fit nicely with the given atmosphere and situation.
Overall, this is a game you should definitely play,even if you haven't played any of the previous games.And if you have, this will give you a nice new look at one of our favorite,if not the favorite,female gaming protagonist.