Let's start By saying I'm a huge fan of the series.
The first game I ever played in a playstation was Tomb Raider I, and I've been in love with Miss Croft ever since - even through the rough times that went by during Angel of darkness - so I was dying to play this ever since I've heard about it the first time (somewhere around 2012 I think) and let me say, it's a real good game.
The story itself is not a masterpiece, but is still interesting, it goes back to a younger Lara in one of her first expeditions searching for the long lost kingdom of Yamatai, homeland of Himiko, the sun queen which results in a disastrous shipwreck which lefts her stranded in a apparently deserted Island apart from her crew. while the game develops you'll find some island inhabitants that are also desperate to escape and have a whole plan to do it, that envolves the Island's history.
You'll have to explore a huge island using only improvised tools you find around so that you can hunt, access different areas and fight enemies.
You're introduced right in the beginning to the survival mode. It let's you see around you, which parts of the scenery may be useful to you, and where your enemies stand, their level of awareness, and tons of other useful information. That alone makes the whole gameplay way more practical.
The whole environment is quite enjoyable, and if you love exploring you can take advantage of the numerous side-quests - that grant you experience, useful to updates in survival skills - or finding the relics, that are hidden thorough the whole map - that give you access to character sheets, models and some eye candy, that's not useful to the gameplay at all, but that's quite entertaining.
Some may argue "This Is not THE true Lara Croft" , as we deal with an emotional character, who's exposed for the first time to death and life threatening danger, - she actually cries the first time she kills - and feels frightened, instead of the hardened "badass" we're used to seeing in the whole franchising.
It's realistic and refreshing, adding a new whole dimension to the characters.
I've also heard lots of people saying "It's not a true Tomb Raider game" as the whole action is not in a actual tomb , but if you're patient, you'll see secret tombs popping around the game, that you can explore - all purely optional - filled with puzzles for those who love that side of the franchise.
The only problem with this game, is being way too short.
It's not like you get to the end with unresolved questions regarding the plotline, but in a few days you'll go thorough the whole game (even if you loose some time doing all the optional sidequests) and begin craving for more.
It's definitely a great reboot to the franchise, with splendid graphics, a nice voice acting work and an interesting character development, I'll give it a 9.2 out of 10, while I await for the sequel.