Lets get this out of the way first. This is not a traditional tomb raider game. It shares more with the Uncharted series than many of it's predecessors. However that is not a bad thing. There is no rule that a character has to stick within one particular genre or game type. If that was the case we wouldn't have gems like Mario Kart or Super Smash Brothers. So long as the character is treated with respect it can work. And this does work, very well. As an origin reboot it does help give an insight into what made Lara Croft what she is.
The dialogue and voice acting is top notch and the story line is interesting. Like most video games the weighty discussions on death and survival is at odds with the mostly murderous rampage the character goes on through the length of the game. There are options to knock out enemies but these are generally overwhelmed by the numerous backs to the wall enemy swarms. There is a limited number of weapons available but there is the opportunity to upgrade these along the way at the many campsites dotted on the island.
The controls are tight, there is no auto aim option so you need to keep your wits about you. there is ample room for exploring and a huge amount of items to find and small XP missions to complete. The movement around the game area is intuitive and satisfying and while there are a number of the dreaded QTE's dotted through the game they are used in context and are on occasion easy to miss on the timing.
There are some negatives. Some of the puzzles are a lot easier to work out than they should be. the survival instinct mode (similar to Batman's detective mode) is helpful for traversing the open world environment but also a little too helpful in highlighting hidden items and the bodies you have left to loot. Also for an adventurer who is able to loot and update her weapons it's a little disappointing to use the run away and hide method of health regeneration rather than a health pack option. I think this would have fitted better with the character who could easily make and apply health packs when needed. there is also a limited number of enemy types but this is a minor gripe as it's not as bad as a game like Bioshock Infinite and there is just enough variety to keep you on your toes.
All in all this is a really good game. It's a decent length, it's fun to play and there is plenty to do. I for one would be interested in a sequel should it ever get made.