This game tells the story of Lara Croft's first expedition. And wow was it a great game.
The bad. There was a boss battle, I guess you could call it that, that relies on quick time events and it is relatively pathetic. Though the battle directly before it makes up for it in challenge and enjoyment. Also the dodging is kind of faulty.
The good. This game has amazing controls other than the dodging. The climbing and everything else runs very fluidly rather than clunky and you won't find yourself dying to often for that reason. The combat is great, and it gives you the choice of taking them out with stealth or running in guns blazing. The story isn't a bad one either, and I rather liked some of the turns in this. I also loved Lara in this and how she isn't just like every other character that goes on some sort of trip. Most of the characters are likable and the ones you don't like were meant to be that way, so the game achieved what it wanted to do in that way. it also has square enix working on it this time so that's a good thing. Also, the upgrade system was nice and the ability to continue to play on the island after you beat the game, just to find everything there is to find, is a nice touch.
Final verdict:
I got the game for free, but if you like the uncharted series it is definitely worth the buy.