Tomb Raider was always a beloved franchise and with a legion of fans around the world, with great games in the past, there it was announced that it would have a remake that would show the origin of Lara, and then we arrived in Tomb Raider of 2013, and thus bringing a Lara is different and much more interesting and also with less sexualization than she had in previous games, the story she is interesting and can do Lara suffers all kinds of things, it is a game that does not take light and full of violent scenes, for example Lara falls in a lake of blood, not to mention that when you die in the game shows a brutal cutscenes of Lara, another thing is that the game boots other secondary characters interesting, but lacked a little more explore it, but I understand, this is another game that has as a focus develop Lara, the graphics of the game are beautiful, Lara's new look was impeccable, she can be sexy and at the same time dangerous, another hit was in the gameplay, which lem Uncharted, the Uncharted saga has had a bit of inspiration in the previous Tomb Raider games and now it's Tomb Raider's turn to be inspired by Uncharted and this is very good for those who like video games and do not waste time fighting over Which is better and so on. another hit of the game is the soundtrack which is very good. Tomb Raider is a great start to the classic franchise, a new and more interesting Lara Croft, beautiful graphics, a very good story, has a few stumbles, but there are few, making Tomb Raider one of the best games of 2013. Note 89
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