first time I played this game was way back in 2013 and i was enthralled by the graphics, story and gameplay. Then I replayed yet two years or so afterwards and now I replayed it on my new Xbox one Series S machine. It ran flawlessly. I played now the definitive edition of the game and what can I say, it's a hell of a ride. I remembered some bits and pieces of the story, but the gameplay seems now more cinematic. You play as Lara, a young explorer, who, alongside her crew, gets stranded on a strange island near Japan. From there on, it's been a treat. You must fight to survive and Lara finds new ways to improve her weapons and gear. You have side toms that you can explore; in there you find different relics that can help you upgrade your gear. You can hunt animals, too. The story blends supernatural with the mundane urge to survive. If you love adventures, then this one is for you, too.
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