Damn girl who does your hair!
This game (so far) is amazing...you instantly become attached to Lara, you feel her emotion, you sense her desperation and even feel cold when she shivers. I have always loved the Tomb Raider style of game, ones that make you think while solving puzzles, jumping around, hitting this to cause that to drop stuff... and I really was unsure after seeing all the trailers (xbox 360 doesn't do this game graphic justice...I will get to this point further down) how or if there would be that old TR feel considering how NEW this game was...but there is and it works just as well if not better than before.
The pace of the game so far I can see feeling a bit rushed...some of that is due to Lara's urgency to find her crew mates...although I am trying my best to search this stunning island inch by inch...(let the crew be damned! light your own damn fires...I am doing archaeological stuff man!)
The cut scenes fit...I have no issues at all with these, they are tasteful and quick enough and help the story along.
Graphics are stunning...to me it visually comes off like a bit softer Witcher 2 engine...I could be and I am sure I am way off but that would be my comparison. Speaking of the Witcher...Lara has a room scanning ability that could be a proper rip off from Geralt...Speaking of hair...the flowing hair of Lara if you apply the setting is beautiful...although it is shinny and clean and doesn't hold water, so not 100% realistic but better than the static clump on most characters in games.
You will find yourself stopping and scanning the beautiful island vistas or just stopping and admiring the surrounds. For those with a 5xx or 6xx series (not sure AMD equivalent ) you will be able to tap into some of the higher PC settings...althought I ran my MSI gtx 570 with their in game benchmark and eeeekk....9.9 min and 29 max...(might be time for an upgrade)
I would say if your on the fence then get off, pull the post out of your butt and pickup this game (steam has it for $44) which to me was a no brainer...I am sure everyone has a different playing style so HOURS to completion IDK all I know is I am 2 hours in and 7% completed. That being said I will never understand people that try and tear through games to completion like theres a million dollar prize waiting for them...take your time, explore and I am sure this will be a 20 hour first run through...
9/10 so far and could turn into 10/10...stay tuned.
Hope this review helps...