The PC version of Tomb Raider 2013 stuns S3D gamers with built in Stereoscopic 3D.
Then I ran across a few Stereoscopic images posted by a player in Europe - gosh these looked good! The one and only Tomb Raider game I'd played before was "Underworld" - I played it in S3D on my 43" 3DTV and loved it - however there were a few slight 3D issues with TRU - and while it could be played in 3D it was never designed to be.
Tomb Raider 2013 is different - its actually designed to be played in S3D! After drooling over the images I decided to take a chance on it and got in on the pre-release deal on Steam.
Once installed it may or not recognize your 3D display. Disheartening but after a few reboots/reconfigurations of the menu options - bingo! The "3D" logo on my plasma screen flashed and my active glasses turned on. Success!
I should mention that I only play games in 3D or I don't purchase them. Most games need to be 'tweaked' by 3rd or 4th parties to get the game to look good or let alone playable in 3D so when a developer designs their game to be played in 3D and even builds S3D rendering (and adjustments) in to their game S3D gamers take notice.
There are two important parts of S3D gaming for me: depth and pop out.
Depth can be seen by sitting/standing in front of the display and rocking side to side while staring at the background on the screen. With 'good depth' (and real 3D) the background will MOVE ALOT. Much more and faster than the foreground.
'Pop out' is where you can move the in game camera so that portions of the scene are visually sticking out of your display. With the right game (and settings) in game objects may actually FLY OUT of your screen at you! A very desirable effect.
As mentioned TR 2013 has adjustments for depth and 'effect strength' which allow for awesome depth and pop out.
This game can (and will) be compared to Skyrim, Farcry3, Crysis3, Batman AA/AC, Guildwars2 and a host of others. The visuals are as good or better than all of these but Crysis3 but when it comes to S2D IMHO TR 2013 beats Crysis3 because of the quality of the 3D (real instead of fake 2D+depth) and the ability to change the effect strength/convergence to enable pop out.
I do have to add to an otherwise glowing review a few distracting issues. The post processing feature causes some of the water reflections to be wrong and the most heart breaking part is the cross hair - you'll see two of them on screen and have to place targets between them - just wait for them to turn RED and fire - very annoying. (Guildwars2 had the best 3D cross hair - it rendered at whatever depth the object you were pointing it at is)
Hopefully the cross hair and reflections will be fixed in a path soon, it the mean time I've been looking for a S3D capture program so I can upload some videos so everyone that can display 3D can see for themselves before purchasing the game.
Tomb Raider 2013 - a S3D must buy.